the online blackbird museum
Hill Aerospace Museum
"Plane Talk"
September 25, 1999
Several habus and other people directly connected with the blackbird programs appeared for a series of two presentations at Hill Air Force Base museum on Saturday, September 25, 1999.

Retired SR-71 pilot Col. Jim Sullivan tells the standing-room-only crowd about his record-breaking speed run from New York to London on September 1, 1974.

Warren Gilmour holds up a photo taken by an SR-71, with a surface-to-air missile clearly silhouetted by the clouds below.

Retired A-12 and YF-12A pilot Col. Jack Layton relates his experiences flying both jets, including flying across the Pacific Ocean with a broken TDI (triple display indicator) gauge!

Warren Gilmour (Skunkworks engineer), Jim Sullivan and retired SR-71 pilot Col. Gil Bertelson become part of the audience while Col. Layton relates his "war stories."

All the day's speakers spent the rest of the day by 981, answering questions and signing autographs. Here Col. Layton talks about the differences between the SR-71 and the YF-12.
all photos copyright © 1999 David Allison/Habu.Org
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