the online blackbird museum
Virginia Aviation Museum
SR-71 Forum 2000, October 14-15, 2000
The afternoon panel: Rich Graham (moderator) and Bill Groninger (both out of frame), Joe Kinego,
Lou Schalk, Dewain Vick, Donn Byrnes, BC Thomas, Frank Stampf, and Buz Carpenter
Rich Graham introduces the afternoon panel
Bill Groninger and Joe Kinego
Lou Schalk, who never flew the SR-71 but was the first pilot of the first blackbird, the A-12
Lou Schalk, Dewain Vick and Donn Byrnes
Dewain Vick, Donn Byrnes and Frank Stampf (far right) listen to BC Thomas
BC Thomas and Frank Stampf share a laugh, probably at the expense of Gil Bertelson, Stampf's pilot
Frank Stampf and Buz Carpenter
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